Episode 334: Breaux Bridge Head Coach Zachary Lochard and Quarterback Kelby Hypolite

For this Friday's episode of the Sports Scouting Report with Lee Brecheen, Lee interviews Breaux Bridge High School head football coach Zachary Lochard, and quarterback Kelby Hypolite. Hypolite is a fast, smart-moving junior with good decision making skills. He's quick on his feet, and able to avoid defenders with ease. Coach Lochard talks about his coaching history, and how he ended up coaching for Breaux Bridge. He talks about where he came from, and what made him come to Louisiana. This episode of the Sports Scouting Report is one you surely can't miss.


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YouTube Episode Link: https://youtu.be/GLGJryAp9uo


Podbean Episode Link: https://www.podbean.com/media/share/pb-tfu6b-127e6db


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