Recruit Spotlight: OT Caleb Thorn, Hammond High School, Class of 2018

Recruit Spotlight: OT Caleb Thorn, Hammond High School, Class of 2018

by Crissy Froyd

According to Hammond senior OT Caleb Thorn, high school football taught him a very straightforward lesson – to take care of business.

“I feel that I learned how important it is to not be lazy and to make sure I put 100 percent effort into everything I do,” Thorn said.

While Thorn may not have any offers on the table, he hasn’t let anything discourage him.

“I am very serious about pursuing a career in football," he said. "I love the sport and want to play it for as long as I can, but if something were to happen and I can no longer play, I want to go into photography.”

For the senior 6-4, 300 pound tackle, just “having fun with it” will be what he looks back fondly of when his senior season comes to a close.

“A few accomplishments that come to mind are all of the fun moments I had on the field," Thorn said. "Getting to compete against other people.

Thorn also likes to think he was a role model for those around him.

“Off the field, I just tried my best to set an example and to be a leader to our teammates,” he said.


(Click Here to See Caleb's Junior Highlights)


Crissy Froyd is a student residing in baton-rouge, LA. She began her career with an emphasis on quarterback analysis, but has since covered a number of sports. She currently reports for The Bank, USA TODAY SMG and SB Nation. Her work has also been featured on and Yahoo! Sports. Crissy is majoring in Mass Communications.







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