Recruit Spotlight: QB Chris Penton, Lakeshore High School, Class of 2018

Recruit Spotlight: QB Chris Penton, Lakeshore High School, Class of 2018

by Jace LeJeune

There are a lot of great players in this year's class that nobody really talked about coming into this season and make a splash when the football season starts. Lakeshore senior QB Chris Penton is one of those players. Penton is really entering his second year as a starting quarterback after he started as a defensive back and as a returner. When Coach Craig Jones moved Penton from defensive back to quarterback, there was no question that Penton had the athleticism to make plays using his feet and his experience playing in the secondary would help him read coverages, but it was about how Penton would fare throwing the ball from the pocket. Needless to say, Penton has thrived at his new position after leading his team to a playoff appearance last season. It was not surprising that Penton would step up in his second year as a quarterback, but the numbers that he put up in the first five games of the season is mindblowing. Halfway through the season, Penton has already thrown for over 1,200 yards, 20 touchdowns and most incredible, no interceptions. The senior Lakeshore quarterback had a phenomenal opening game against Fontainebleau where he threw for over 300 yards and seven touchdowns. Penton has established himself as one of the hottest rising players in the state and not only has he produced incredible stats, but he has led the team as much wins as the team had last season with five. Louisiana Football Magazine's recruit expert Lee Brecheen believes that Penton is on the rise.

"Chris Penton is having some big time games as a quarterback early in the 2017 season," Brecheen said. "He has done a great job of adjusting from returning punts and playing on defense as a defensive back to playing quarterback. If he continues to grow, he will move up fast in the recruiting rankings."

Penton and the Titans would love to continue to stay hot in their pursuit of an undefeated season this Friday against Lake Area New Tech. So far, Penton has had no offers or has had any interests from s, but if he keeps on continuing his stellar play, there will be a lot more s that will pay a little bit more attention to him. In today's recruit spotlight, we caught up with one of the state's leading passers as he talks about his huge game against Fontainebleau, the transition from playing defensive back to quarterback, the team's great start, and so much more!

LAFM: What is your name, age, position, and school you play for?

Chris Penton, 17, QB, Lakeshore High School

LAFM: What is your current height and weight?

6'0, 185

LAFM: What is your ACT score and GPA?

ACT: 21; GPA: 2.8

LAFM: What is your max bench press, max squat, vertical, and 40 yard time?

Bench: 275; Squat: 375; Vertical: 32 inches; 40: 4.57/40

LAFM: Have you received any offers from schools? If not, have you received any interests?

I have no offers yet and have had no interests from s.

LAFM: You threw for over 300 yards and seven touchdowns in a game against Fontainebleau. What were your thoughts during that game and did you ever thought that you would have that type of performance?

I knew I put in the work and I needed to perform that great. Things were just clicking and I was just having fun.

LAFM: What are the biggest strengths to your game?

My biggest strengths are moving and escaping from the pocket when needed. I would say my arm would be my biggest strength.

LAFM: What are some areas to our game that you need to improve on before going to ?

The game in is a lot faster and that means smaller windows to throw in so I have to work on my reads and decision making.

LAFM: What are some things that you look at when you look at s?

Mostly, I look at the athletic program and the cost. Also, I would look into whatever I will be majoring in.

LAFM: What are the biggest stats and accomplishments over your career?

My biggest stats and accomplishments of my career would definitely be the first game against Fontainebleau. I've thrown for over 1,200 yards this season along with 20 touchdowns and no interceptions through five games.

LAFM: Last season, the team had a 5-6 season and already the team has had just as much wins as last year. What do you think the team has improved the most from last season to this season?

Coming together as a whole team and learning how to win. Also, putting in extra work after work so we don't make mistakes on the field have really helped us improve.

LAFM: I believe you started your Lakeshore career on defense as a defensive back. Were there any things that you learned on defense that has helped you as a quarterback?

Yes. It is a huge advantage that I played defense because it's easy to read what coverage they are in.

LAFM: Who is a quarterback that you model your game after and why?

I definitely model my game after Russell Wilson (N.C. State/Wisconsin/Seattle Seahawks). The pin point accuracy he delivers the ball with and the way he can escape the pocket and make plays is what I admire about him.

LAFM: What is your intended major?

I am not sure yet.

LAFM: What do you like to do when the football season is over?

I like to train and work on my game as much as I can after the season.

LAFM: What are your goals for the rest of the season?

Just to win football games and eventually make it to the Superdome. I also want to continue having big games and no games.

LAFM: What is your message to the Lakeshore team and the fans for the rest of the season?

We aren't just a good team. We are a special team that has all the potential in the world to beat whoever we play the rest of the season and the playoffs.

LAFM: Who are some people in your life that you need to thank for putting you in the position that you are in today?

I'm very thankful for my parents for supporting me through everything and my whole family for giving me the motivation that I need in order to succeed.

LAFM: You have had a great start to the season, but obviously you can't do it by yourself. Who are some of your teammates that you want to give a shout out to?

I want to give a shout out to my offensive line for allowing me to get the ball off and make the plays that I do. Also, I want to give a shout out to the whole defense for holding it down. I also can't forget my receivers as well!

LAFM: What makes you special or stand out as a quarterback from any other quarterback in the state?

I can make plays when you don't even think it's possible. When you think the play is blown, then, I pop up and make plays out of nothing.


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